Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Our First Son

While the impending birth of our son is the #1 topic these days, let's take a minute to recognize our first son, Sammy. A short bio on Sam:

  • He's almost 50 (7+ in dog years)

  • Has no job

  • Still lives at home

  • Sleeps in our bed

  • Barks at everything

  • Refuses to wear pants

  • Has helped me beat two speeding tickets


29 and feeling FINE

My birthday is February 22. This year I turned 29. For those of you that know me well, know that when it comes to my birthday I usually celebrate for a week straight. This year was no exception. It fell on a Wednesday this year so my mom decided to whirl into town on Monday night with her best friend, and my second mother, Janet. Those ladies arrived in style with about 42 bags full of clothes, food, shoes, and hair/makeup products. My best friend Jennifer (Janet's daughter) is a crazy big whig attorney and just so happened to have some work in Nashville last week, so spur of the moment mother-daughter time was a MUST.

Since I couldn't enjoy any libations this year due to Lil Moon, I decided to eat my way through my birthday week. Tuesday night we went to J. Alexander's and I enjoyed prime rib with brussel sprouts, and the most ridiculously AMAZING carrot cake you can ever imagine. This stuff is serious. I thoroughly enjoyed that night with my girls and my sweet hubby B.

Wednesday was the actual day and Jennifer just so happened to have most of the day off to play with us. I woke up to a showering of fun gifts from my parents, in-laws, and husband. Then the 4 of us went to a delicious lunch at Cottage Cafe here in Bellevue (where we had dessert of course) and then on to Bellevue Nails where Jennifer and Janet treated me to a manicure/pedicure. It was so great to be pampered! That night we (all the girls and B) went to another amazing dinner at Red Pony in Franklin. This restaurant is SO FANTASTIC. I have never had a bad meal there and everytime I go I have excellent service and leave with a smile on my face and fully belly. This time was no different...we did it up right! We had a tempura sushi roll and smoked salmon nachos for appetizer. Jennifer and I split the brussel sprouts salad and filet for our meal and then we enjoyed 4, yes 4 different desserts between the 5 of us. They were all fabulous but the stand-out was a bread pudding with a salted caramel sauce. RIDIC!

Friday it just so happened that I had a doctor's appointment, and celebrated 29 weeks down. I am officially 29 weeks pregnant now and feeling GREAT. Everything at the doctor was normal and moving right along. Lil Moon's heart rate was 135 which is great and all my vitals were normal as can be. Brennan had a meeting that morning so my mom got to go with me. That was really cool to have her with me and she got to hear LM's heartbeat for the first time. We are officially in the 3rd trimester now and heading for the home stretch. It is nuts when I think how fast this pregnancy has gone by.

Friday night we went to dinner with a bunch of our friends to Bonefish to celebrate my birthday. Yes..another fantastic meal with fantastic company. After dinner Amy and Brian were so kind to invite us back to their house to have birthday cake and play the Xbox Kinect. It was HYSTERICAL! We first played a dancing game and I haven't laughed that hard in a while...then we played some sports games that were equally funny. It was a blast.

All in all 29 was a great birthday and I was super spoiled as always. I am so looking forward to what this year will bring in my life.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

28 Weeks...

... And counting. In the third trimester and heading for home.

September 11th, 2011...

...Is when we found out Erica was pregnant. She took four pregnancy test...four! I said, "You realize those things are 99.8% accurate, correct? My assumption is you don't fall in that 0.2% percentile." Erica's reaction was, "Dammit. Now I can't drink at the tailgate party in October." Clearly her motherly instincts hadn't kicked in at this point. Regardless of the circumstances we were both excited to learn that we were about to become parents for the first time. The last six months have been a blur as we try and prepare for the life changing moment headed our way this spring. I've been soliciting advice from anyone who will give it to me. Just last week, I asked a panhandler on the streets of downtown Nashville for his parenting advice. He advised me to go with Similac formula over Enfamil...said it was a better value. He then asked me for some spare change and a ride to the liquor store. Anyway, I digress. As the father (Don't laugh, if Gary from 'Teen Mom' can do it...) Erica has asked me to contribute to this blog, to which I'm more than happy to oblige. Thank you for visiting and come back often as we try and navigate the waters of parenthood.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

We're Having a Baby!

As most of you know by now, Brennan and I are expecting our first baby on May 11. Yes, that is 3 months away (INSANITY!). We are having a baby boy and although we don't have a name for him yet, he is referred to as "Lil Moon".

B and I are so blessed to have family and friends all over the country that are super supportive and interested in what is going on with us and Lil Moon. I am not always the best with updating everyone so we decided to create this blog to keep you all updated and informed on the latest with all of us. Brennan and I will both contribute posts and hopefully we will keep it fairly up to date.

So far my pregnancy has been very by the book and extremely easy (I am currently knocking on wood.) I feel really good, am eating lots and trying my best to stay active. Up until about 25 weeks of pregnancy I was continuing to do my kickboxing class but now I am just mostly walking as it is a little easier on my back. My "week change day" is Friday and as of this past Friday (2/10) I am 27 weeks pregnant, therefore currently in my 28th week. I had my last doctor's appointment on Friday as well and everything looked good. I now start going every 2 weeks instead of 4.

As of right now, Lil Moon is the size of a head of cauliflower and weighing in at roughly 2.5 pounds. He is very active and constantly moving around in there. I LOVE feeling him move! B can feel him move now which is super cool for him as well. We couldn't be more excited to meet our little man! He is already SO loved by SO many.

Here is a picture of me that B took on Saturday to show my growing belly...well, let's be honest, growing BODY.