Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I'm Not Certain...

...But I think Erica may have forgotten about the blog she created. Truthfully, we've both been very busy with our careers and the blog takes a backseat to all that is going on with us in Knoxville. Just a refresher: We've officially settled back into Knoxville and are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our baby boy on May 11th. Erica had another checkup today and although I couldn't be there, the reports are all positive. Both E and the baby are doing great and on schedule for delivery in Mid-May. He's getting so big in there that you can now see his movements from outside of Erica's belly, which is pretty cool and weird at the same time. And he moves constantly. Below are a list of things that usually get him kicking:

  • College basketball games
  • Sammy barking
  • Re-runs of 'The Wire' on HBO
  • 6am cups of coffee

I don't even know him yet, but already he sounds like my kind of guy. I've been busy traveling with work in preparation for what is going to be a crazy next few months. I travel frequently, but have loaded my April with overnight travel so that I can have some flexibility for May. My customers need me, but my family needs me more. Therefore I'm working hard to prepare for a big summer sales wise while ensuring I'm there when, in the words of Led Zeppelin, "...the levee breaks...". Erica has the room ready for Lil Moons arrival, save a picture or two being hung and the absence of a glider, but that will all come in due time. We've also paired it down to three names, but you're just going to have to practice patience as we will reveal his name after his birth. (My money is on Ed...kidding). Stop back often for more updates. Oh, and I'll be live Tweeting from the delivery room, which links directly to my Facebook page. Erica doesn't know this yet, but I guess she just found out. Follow me @TennesseanB. Enjoy your day.
